Top 100+ Dark Love Quotes | Quotes About Dark Love

If you are looking  Dark Love Quotes? We have the best collection of Dark love quotes and Quotes about dark love. Today a lot of people don’t know what real love is. How can we show our true love to someone? Real love and caring are, being with a person when he or she is in a dark situation. Anyone can bring flowers and jewelry, but the true thing is there’s no love in that.

The real romantic things in our life are those small things you do every day to show your caring, and that you’re thinking of them. Here we have listed dark quotes about love that would be more beneficial for you. Just beautify those texts by adding these beautiful dark love quotes. So go through these dark love quotes and select your one.



1) Our love was like a shadow that consumed us both, but we couldn’t escape it.

Dark Love Quotes

Dark love quotes

2) I knew loving you would lead to my downfall, but I couldn’t help but fall anyway.


3) Love can be a double-edged sword that cuts both ways.


4) Our love was like a nightmare that I couldn’t wake up from, but I didn’t want to.


5) I loved you in the darkness because that’s where our love shone the brightest.


6) When love is bloody like that, it’s hard to remember what love really is


7) Sometimes love is a dark road that leads you straight to hell.


8) Love can be a dangerous game to play, especially when it’s the only game in town.


9) Love is like a black hole, it can suck you in and never let you go.


10) Love is a drug, and I’m hopelessly addicted.


11) In the darkness, love can be the light that guides us through the night.


12) I love love stories, no matter how dark.

True Love Dark Love Quotes

Dark love quotes

13) Love is a monster that can tear you apart, but you keep coming back for more.


14) Love is the poison that runs through my veins, but I can’t help but want more.


15) I don’t need you to light my world. Just sit with me in the dark.


16) Love is a battle that I’m always fighting, but I can never seem to win.


17) Love is a darkness that can consume us, but we’re willing to risk it all to feel alive.


18) Love is a cruel mistress that never lets go, no matter how hard you try to escape.


19) Love and memory last and will endure till the game is called because of darkness.


20) Love is a double-edged sword that can cut you to pieces, but you still keep reaching for it.


21) Love is like a disease, and I’m infected with no cure in sight.


22) Love is the shadow that follows us, even in the darkest of nights.


23) I love to chase my shadow to feel how it rests in the dark.


24) Love is the abyss, and once you fall in, there’s no coming back.


25) Love is a trap, and I’m caught in its snare, unable to break free.

Best Dark Love Quotes

Dark love quotes

26) Love is the fire that burns us, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake.


27) There is no dark side to love. Only a darker side to those we love.


28) Love is a storm that can destroy everything in its path, but we still chase after it.


29) Love is a curse that we willingly accept, knowing that it will destroy us in the end.


30) Love is a nightmare that we can’t seem to wake up from, no matter how hard we try.


31) When it comes to death, you are mine.


32) Love is the darkness that creeps in, suffocating us until we can’t breathe.


33) Love is the monster that hides in the shadows, waiting to strike when we least expect it.


34) Love is a puzzle that we can never solve, no matter how many pieces we have.


35) Love can be as destructive as hatred.


36) Love is the addiction that we can’t quit, even though we know it’s killing us.


37) Love is the trap that we willingly fall into, knowing that there’s no escape.


38) Love is the nightmare that we can’t seem to wake up from, no matter how hard we try.

Short Dark Love Quotes

Dark love quotes

39) Love is love, even if it is illicit; like light remains light even in the darkness.


40) Love is a curse that we willingly accept, knowing that it will destroy us in the end.


41) Love isn’t always sunshine and roses, sometimes it’s dark and twisted, but I’ll still choose it every time.


42) In love, we are all prisoners of our own desires, trapped by our own emotions.


43) Loving someone in the dark is like a very exciting treat for every meal. You can live without it, but it makes life more exciting.


44) Love is like a rose, beautiful but with thorns that can hurt you.


45) Sometimes love is like a storm, wild and fierce, and it can leave destruction in its wake.


46) Love can be like a drug, addictive and dangerous, but we can’t help going back for more.


47) Instead it’s slow and insidious, slinking through you like ink through water until it permeates every inch of your soul.


48) Love can be a double-edged sword, it can bring us great joy, but also great pain.


49) Love is a gamble, we never know if we’ll win or lose, but we keep playing the game.


50) Love can be a prison, locking us in and trapping us in our own emotions.


51) I also saw that there was an ocean of darkness and death, but an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness.

Deep Dark Love Quotes

Dark love quotes

52) Love is like a flame, it can light up our lives, but it can also burn us.


53) Love can be a battlefield, and we are all just soldiers fighting for a chance at happiness.


54) Love is like a puzzle, sometimes we have all the pieces, but they just won’t fit together.


55) I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul.


56) Love can be a maze, and we are all just lost souls trying to find our way out.


57) Love is like a rollercoaster, it can take us to great heights, but it can also make us sick.


58) Love can be like a shadow, always following us, but sometimes we can’t find it when we need it most.


59) Monsters are more effective than princes when it comes to keeping what you care about safe.


60) Love can be like a curse, haunting us and bringing us nothing but pain.


61) Love can be like a trap, once we’re in, it’s hard to get out.


62) Love is like a mirror, it reflects back to us who we truly are, and sometimes we don’t like what we see.


63) The way he kisses me makes me feel like a delicacy he’s been starved from.


64) Love can be like a stormy sea, with waves crashing all around us, threatening to pull us under.


65) Love is like a poison, it can kill us slowly, but we keep drinking it anyway.

Dark Love Quotes English

Dark love quotes

66) Love can be like a dream, beautiful and enchanting, but when we wake up, it’s gone.


67) You’re a twisted fuck,” I whispered. “And you’re about to come,” he whispered back.


68) Love can be like a wildfire, spreading quickly and consuming everything in its path.


69) Love can be like a disease, infecting us and spreading through our hearts and souls.


70) Love can be like a storm cloud, hovering over us and threatening to pour down at any moment.


71) If you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.


72) Love can be like a black hole, pulling us in and never letting us go.


73) Love is not always sweet, sometimes it’s dark and painful.


74) The more I try to escape from your love, the more I find myself falling for you.


75) If Ren was hell, then Kai was paradise; and Lee’s soul was stuck in purgatory, ripped apart by their opposite pulls.


76) Your love is like a dark abyss, it’s dangerous yet I find myself wanting to jump in.


77) Love can be dark, just like the shadows that follow us in the night.


78) I thought I found love, but all I found was darkness disguised as a beautiful illusion.


79) Fucking hell, you’re sweet. You’re so goddamn sweet, I just want to sink my teeth into every inch of you.

True Dark Love Quotes

Dark love quotes

80) Love can be like a dark and stormy night, leaving you lost and alone in the darkness.


81) Love is not always sunshine and rainbows, sometimes it’s a dark and lonely road.


82) Your love is a dark addiction, and I can’t seem to get enough of it.


83) I’m rough with your body sometimes, but I’ll always be gentle with your soul. She bruises far more easily.


84) The darkness in your love is what keeps me coming back for more.


85) Love can be like a dark alley, it’s scary and dangerous, but sometimes it’s the only way to get where you need to go.


86) Your love is like a dark spell that has taken over my heart and mind.


87) We love the beautiful and serene, but we have a feeling as deep as love for the terrible and dark.


88) Love is not always light, sometimes it’s a dark and twisted journey.


89) In the darkness of your love, I found a light that I never knew existed.


90) Love can be like a dark cloud, hovering over us and blocking out the sun.


91) I would hold onto those gray eyes my whole life.


92) Your love is like a dark maze, and I am lost in it, searching for a way out.


93) Love is not always a fairy tale, sometimes it’s a dark and twisted nightmare.


94) The darkness in your love is what draws me to you, like a moth to a flame.


95) I was born to kill, not to love. I find it very hard to open up to anybody. Me loving someone would be a crime.


96) Love can be like a dark tunnel, but at the end, there is always a light.


97) Your love is like a dark ocean, and I am drowning in it, but I don’t want to be saved.


98) Love is not always easy, sometimes it’s a dark and difficult path that we must walk alone.


99) We kiss as though the world’s ending.


100) In the darkness of your love, I found a light that shines brighter than the stars.


101) Love can be like a dark forest, full of mystery and danger, but also beauty and wonder.


102) Your love is like a dark dream, and I never want to wake up from it.


103) You can’t live forever in the darkness of someone’s selfish love.


104) Love is not always a happy ending, sometimes it’s a dark and painful goodbye.


105) The darkness in your love is what makes it real and true, not just a fairy tale.


106) Love can be like a dark mirror, reflecting back the parts of ourselves we try to hide.


107) Falling in love felt like a punishment rather than a joy.


108) Love is a dangerous game, and I’m willing to play.


109) In the darkness, my love for you shines the brightest.


110) Our love was doomed from the start, but I couldn’t resist the temptation.


111) Ever since I met her, I’ve learned two things. Love makes us crazy. Obsession makes us psycho.


112) Love can be beautiful, but it can also be twisted and ugly.


113) Our love was a black hole that sucked us both in.


114) Loving you is like drowning in a sea of darkness.


115) We were both damaged, and our love was a reflection of that.


116) Love isn’t always butterflies and rainbows; sometimes it’s dark and twisted.


117) You were the darkness that consumed me, but I couldn’t help but love it.


118) Our love was a fire that burned too hot and too fast, consuming everything in its path.


119) I knew I was playing with fire when I fell in love with you, but I couldn’t resist the heat.


120) Love can be a beautiful nightmare that you never want to wake up from.


121) Our love was a sin, but it felt so good to be bad with you.


122) I loved you in the darkness because that’s where I felt most alive.


123) Love can be twisted and dark, but that’s what makes it so addictive.


124) Our love was a rose with thorns that pricked us both.


125) I knew loving you was dangerous, but I couldn’t help myself.


126) Our love was like a moth to a flame; we knew it was dangerous, but we couldn’t resist.


127) Love can be a dangerous game, but it’s a game I’m willing to play with you.


128) Our love was a dark fantasy that we both couldn’t resist.


129) I knew our love was wrong, but it felt so right in the darkness.


130) Love can be a twisted journey, but it’s one I’m willing to take with you.


Read more – Top 30 Blindsided By Love Quotes


We hope that you have liked these dark love quotes and you will be able to express your feelings with the help of these quotes.

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